Having competed in Europe as a child and into my teenage years, have given me a great experience. The classical training that I received as a child growing up in Austria ingrained fundamentals of dressage; that and a chestnut mare named Musica who had a penchant for bucking. I did compete also in show jumping and eventing, but my heart was always in dressage.

I enjoy teaching riders at all levels. When I first started working with horses in the United States, I developed a successful reputation with young and difficult horses. My job has evolved to help my students and their horses work well together. I teach riders the skills and confidence to help them achieve balance and harmony and to help horses to acquire an understanding of what is asked of them. My goal is to give both riders and horses confidence and pleasure in training and competing. 


Building my own barn allowed me to create the healthiest possible environment so that both rider and horse can achieve their full potential. I carefully tailor my instruction to each individual rider and horse.


In the course of my dressage career I’ve had the opportunity to learn from some very special trainers (mentioned below) -- each one of them has a special place in my heart. Applying the techniques of systematic training through these mentors, I have been able to develop a young horse through the FEI levels, and to have considerable success in my own competition. For that I’m grateful. I now strive to pass this on to my students and their horses.



USDF Bronze  &

USDF Silver Medalist &

USDF Gold Medalist

USEF r judge

Numerous performance awards


Influences in my riding

Shannon Dueck

Kathy Connelly

Chris Hickey

Frau Hollaender (Austria)